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Hey! So Glad You're Here!

Here's a bit about me and those whom I love...


I'm married with one son. My wife is from the Philippines, giving us, therefore, a son who looks kind of Turkish or something. Go figure.  :-)


I am trained in law, highly experienced in civil law and insurance investigations, I've published research articles in law and economics, but currently I'm employed as a dumb, commonplace security guard. The reasons for this are various and together, coming to the end of my law studies, proved insurmountable. Luckily, when completing the full-circle journey and rejoining the security industry, I found myself straight away working about half the hours as before for about three times the income. Before pursuing law and investigations as a career I taught myself to program computers. I used Delphi and got a beta version of an audio processing application out on the internet as I tried to start a software company. I've made lots of attempts at lots of things, mostly fallen short, but I still keep on trying.


I spend my spare time sequencing electronic music in my home studio, visiting the gym and maintaining a VERY self-indulgent website.


I started volunteering at a Christian community radio station, 96three FM in Geelong, Australia, during 2013 and I remain there to this day as a volunteer. I have a deep love for God, but take a broadminded and rationalistic view of spiritual matters.


I went to Monash University and Deakin University and got my head stuffed with knowledge. Even if you don't get a job out of your education, it still has an enlarging effect. On the subject of education, I am immensely proud of my son's school grades. Straight A's and a recent 100%. My wife is showing sheer brilliance as a child care worker: the toddler whisperer incarnate. She was also a straight A student and was until recently reigning chess grandmaster of the household - until Errol beat her twice.


I live in Drysdale, Victoria, Australia, which is in the vicinity of Melbourne if anyone cares to know.






Here's something I'm revamping and monetizing...

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Here is Something I once tried to do...

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And here is what I wrote about it on LinkedIn...


Australian Legal Education aims to help you to help yourself.

On offer are e-books and seminars on legal topics, presenting a broad overview of key points of law, so you get a working knowledge you can put to use straight away. No expensive courses or time commitments; just succinct, well packaged information aimed at the intelligent layman. Topics are of wide application to businesses of all kinds. There is no other service like this.

You need no longer rely on lawyers who may be much more interested in your money than your problems. And there's no more need to wade endlessly through legal writings and judgments that only lawyers and judges really comprehend, just hoping there isn't some other law you didn't know about. You don't need to be a genius to understand what the law says once you have a solid grasp of the major concepts. We help you orient yourself around the basic principles and to identify laws of key importance.

Seminars take place at convenient locations near you, around Geelong, Victoria. This is an educational service; we do not act for you as lawyers.

A software application is also planned to assist professionals of all kinds in online research - including finding material on legal issues - with less confusion and complexity.

And now, something I still do sometimes...

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